Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Finally, error bars!

Finally we got error bars on Codespeed!

We used an old post by Jeremiah Faith (bfjf) on a issue created by Chris Leonello (cleonello) on jqPlot bitbucket which adds error bars using jqPlot OHLCRenderer plugin. You can check this issue here.

Now, we got real error bars on Timeline view.

We tried using series inverse colors:

and using grey:

It's also possible to set if you want Codespeed to display error bars or not by editing codespeed/settings.py and changing the value of use_error_bars to True or False.

1 comment:

  1. hi, I'm also looking for the error bar plugin of jqplot. I checked that link on bitbucket. But it still doesn't word. Could you share your "$.jqplot(...)" function?
    I just don't know where to pass the error data to.

    Thanks a lot, nice blog :)
